Sunday 8 October 2017

The day my life changed forever!

If you missed this on Lilygun's website, here is the Inside music video.

The original chorus lyric was "Inside your head, you feel like you're lying on your bed wishing you were dead." A few weeks after I wrote this song, I suffered a Subarachnoid Brain Haemorrhage. This is why I dedicated this video to Mr Kevin O'Neill, my brain surgeon, without whom I would not be here.

When I decided to add this song on Lilygun's second album Strength & Grace, I changed the lyric because I didn't want to sing those words. I'm lucky to still be alive! I have no problem delving into the dark side but these days, I tend to lean more into the light, choosing only to explore the dark side when it must be drawn upon for music purposes.

The 8th October is like a second birthday to me. The day my life changed forever. Yes, it was a long hard road to full recovery for me, but today, I can say, I am so proud of the person I have grown into and I am grateful for all of the experiences I have had. I understand that I had to suffer those very hard times because now, I can use my knowledge and strength to help others. To say, don't give up on yourself. You can recover and not only recover, you can thrive in life. One day you'll say to yourself, life is sweet again and thank fuck I am still here! The world needs every single one of us and our talents. We are all so special, even if we can't see it.

Thank you all for your amazing support, it really does mean a lot to me. 💜🖤💜


Inside Music Video 
Directed by David Ryder Prangley 
Filmed and Edited by Adie Hardy at Unit 2 Studios, London 
Hair & Makeup by Shelly d'Inferno 
Copyright ©2017 

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